Program Outcomes

    Order Program Outcomes
    1 Acquiring theoretical and practical competency in the fields of industrial relations, human resource management, social policy and labour and social security law both at national and international levels
    2 Mastering core industrial relations concepts
    3 Demonstrating awareness of issues related to social justice
    4 Competent use of Turkish language in written and oral communication and ability to reflect on what you have learned, and to conduct an inventory of skills and competencies gained
    5 Ability to engage in independent analysis and communication of results and ability to independently formulate research or term paper topics
    6 Competent use of statistics and databases to analyze data, interpreting graphs , tables, and index numbers and constructing them to convey information
    7 Ability to work effectively in groups
    8 Competent use of a foreign language in terms of oral, written and learning skills
    9 Competent use of word processing, presentation, spreadsheet and statistical software used in human resources and labour relations
    10 Developing an ethical sensitivity in professional and scientific contexts

    COMPETENCIES / Ability to work independently and take responsibility

    4. Competent use of Turkish language in written and oral communication and ability to reflect on what you have learned, and to conduct an inventory of skills and competencies gained

    COMPETENCIES / Learning Competence

    5. Ability to engage in independent analysis and communication of results and ability to independently formulate research or term paper topics

    6. Competent use of statistics and databases to analyze data, interpreting graphs , tables, and index numbers and constructing them to convey information

    COMPETENCIES / Communication and Social Competence

    1. Acquiring theoretical and practical competency in the fields of industrial relations, human resource management, social policy and labour and social security law both at national and international levels

    2. Mastering core industrial relations concepts

    7. Ability to work effectively in groups

    8. Competent use of a foreign language in terms of oral, written and learning skills

    COMPETENCIES / Field-based Competence

    3. Demonstrating awareness of issues related to social justice

    9. Competent use of word processing, presentation, spreadsheet and statistical software used in human resources and labour relations

    10. Developing an ethical sensitivity in professional and scientific contexts

    Türkiye Yükseköğretim Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi
    YÇ 1 YÇ 2 YÇ 3 YÇ 4 YÇ 5 YÇ 6 YÇ 7 YÇ 8 YÇ 9 YÇ 10 YÇ 11 YÇ 12 YÇ 13 YÇ 14 YÇ 15 YÇ 16
    PÇ 1 5 5
    PÇ 2 5 5 4 5
    PÇ 3 4 5 5
    PÇ 4 4 5 5 5
    PÇ 5 5 4 5
    PÇ 6 4 5 4 4 5
    PÇ 7 5 5 5 4 5 5
    PÇ 8
    PÇ 9 5 5 4
    PÇ 10 5 4 5 5