Ders Adı Kodu Yarıyıl T+U Saat Kredi AKTS
Understandıng The Arab Revolutıons (En) MES 529 0 3 + 0 3 6
Ön Koşul Dersleri
Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Seviyesi YUKSEK_LISANS
Dersin Türü Seçmeli
Dersin Koordinatörü Prof.Dr. İSMAİL NUMAN TELCİ
Dersi Verenler
Dersin Yardımcıları
Dersin Kategorisi Diğer
Dersin Amacı

Understanding the root causes of the Arab uprising that started in 2011 – and its consequences: war, implosion of state structures, dictatorships (with the positive exception of Tunisia).

Dersin İçeriği

Analyzing the reasons, the background and the outcome of revoutionary upheavals in the Arab world, with special emphasis on Egypt. Why did the Arab revolution not reach its goals? What happened to the hopes embodied at Tahrir Square in Cairo?

Kalkınma Amaçları
# Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları Öğretim Yöntemleri Ölçme Yöntemleri
1 Knows the Arab revolutions Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Beyin Fırtınası, Doğru Yanlış Testleri, Boşluk Doldurma Testleri, Kısa Cevaplı Testler,
Hafta Ders Konuları Ön Hazırlık
1 Understanding the root causes of the Arab uprising
2 Understanding the root causes of the Arab uprising
3 Understanding the root causes of the Arab uprising
4 Analyzing the reasons
5 Analyzing the reasons
6 the background and the outcome of revoutionary upheavals in the Arab world
7 the background and the outcome of revoutionary upheavals in the Arab world
8 its consequences: war, implosion of state structures, dictatorships
9 its consequences: war, implosion of state structures, dictatorships
10 Why did the Arab revolution not reach its goals?
11 Why did the Arab revolution not reach its goals?
12 What happened to the hopes embodied at Tahrir Square in Cairo?
13 What happened to the hopes embodied at Tahrir Square in Cairo?
14 What happened to the hopes embodied at Tahrir Square in Cairo?
Ders Notu
Ders Kaynakları

Achcar, Gilbert. The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising. (translated by G. M. Goshgarian) Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2013.

Albrecht, Holger. Raging Against the Machine: Political Opposition Under Authoritarianism in Egypt. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2013.

Amar, Paul and Vijay Prashad, (Eds.) 2013. Dispatches from the Arab Spring. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Beinin, Joel and Frédéric Vairel, eds. Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2011.

Bishara, Marwan. The Invisible Arab: The Promise and Peril of the Arab Revolutions. New York: Nation Books, 2012.

Brownlee, Jason, Tarek Masoud, and Andrew Reynolds. The Arab Spring: Pathways of Repression and Reform. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Brynen, Rex, Peter Moore and Basel Salloukh. Beyond the Arab Spring: Authoritarianism and Democratization in the Arab World. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Publishers, 2012.

Clement, Henry and Ji-Hyang Jang, eds. The Arab Spring: Will It Lead to Democratic Transitions? New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

# Ders Öğrenme Çıktılarının Program Çıktılarına Katkısı
1 Knows the Arab revolutions
Değerlendirme Sistemi
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Katkı Oranı
1. Ara Sınav 60
1. Ödev 40
Toplam 100
1. Yıl İçinin Başarıya 50
1. Final 50
Toplam 100
AKTS - İş Yükü Etkinlik Sayı Süre (Saat) Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Ders Süresi (Sınav haftası dahildir: 16x toplam ders saati) 16 3 48
Sınıf Dışı Ders Çalışma Süresi(Ön çalışma, pekiştirme) 16 2 32
Ara Sınav 1 20 20
Ödev 1 25 25
Final 1 25 25
Toplam İş Yükü 150
Toplam İş Yükü / 25 (Saat) 6
dersAKTSKredisi 6