Ders Adı Kodu Yarıyıl T+U Saat Kredi AKTS
Islamıc Bankıng IEF 509 0 3 + 0 3 6
Ön Koşul Dersleri
Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Seviyesi YUKSEK_LISANS
Dersin Türü Seçmeli
Dersin Koordinatörü Dr.Öğr.Üyesi ABID ULLAH
Dersi Verenler Dr.Öğr.Üyesi ABID ULLAH,
Dersin Yardımcıları
Dersin Kategorisi Alanına Uygun Temel Öğretim
Dersin Amacı

Islamic Banking course is primarily concentrated on the banking activities on its assets and liabilities side. Hence, this course is divided into four modules. The first module focuses on the overview of banking system followed by the second module that differentiates conventional banking from Islamic Banking. The third module concentrates on the main contracts used by Islamic banks either on the assets side or liabilities side of the balance sheet activities while fourth module explains the risks that Islamic banks face during their operations and how such risks are managed.  

Dersin İçeriği



Focus of Discussion

Suggested Reading



Course Overview

An overview of Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions 

-          The Need for Financial Intermediation

-          The role of Banks in Financial Intermediation

-          The difference between Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions

This week content focuses on the need of Banking. Key questions such as why banking is necessary when one-to-one borrowing/lending is also possible? What type of costs are reduced through banking intermediation? Why banks are efficient in money management? What are the differences between banking and non-banking financial institutions?  

Chapter 3

Notes will be provided


Understanding Bank’s activities from Balance Sheet

-          The Liabilities of a Bank

-          Assets of Bank

-          Reserve Requirements

-          Capital Adequacy

This week’s course builds upon the previous week’s discussion. Here we will discuss the activities of the banks from their balance sheet.

Chapter 3

Notes will be provided


Understanding Islamic Banking

-               The difference from conventional Banking

-               The key Elements of Shariah Compliance

Once the technicalities of the banking system are discussed the content in this week will cover the differences between Conventional and Islamic banking through the lens of Shariah Compliance.


Suggested readings


Sources of Shari’ah and its application in Islamic Banking






Five categories of Islamic Law

Islamic financial system is a rule-based system which means that it must follow certain rules. These rules are derived from Shari’ah (the divine law). In this week we will discuss the Shari’ah meanings and the sources of Shari’ah law that govern the life including business and financial dealings.

(Quiz 1 covering first three weeks content)


Notes will be provided


Shariah Governance Framework

-               Understanding Shariah Governance

-               Understanding Shariah Non-compliance Risk

-               Tackling Shariah Non-compliance Risk

In this week we will cover the importance of shariah governance framework for banking institutions and the role of shariah scholars in managing non-shariah compliance risk.


Chapter 2+Notes


Islamic Law of Contract

-         Contract and its Importance in Islamic Finance

-         Shari’ah perspective of contracts

-         Conditions and Types

-         Key features of Islamic Financial Contracts

-         Categories of Islamic Contracts

-         Common Islamic financial contracts

Before discussing Islamic banking and financial operations, it is important to understand the Islamic law of contract. In fact, all the contracts in Islamic banking and finance must adhere to these rules. Therefore, in this week we will discuss the rules that make a contract valid or void.



Chapter 5



-          Introduction to Murabahah

-          Difference between Murabahah and Musawamah

-          Basic Rules of Murabahah

-          Argument Against Murabahah

-          Common Mistakes in Murabahah Financing

-          Applications of Murabahah

-          Sale of Deferred Payment Basis (Bai’ Muajjal)

-          Tawarruq

-          Bai’ Inah

Murabaha contract and its application on the asset side of the Islamic Banking will be discussed. Also, bai al inah and Tawarruq contracts, its application and key issues will be discussed in this week as well.


QUIZ 2 (Covering all previous chapters)

(Assignment 1)

Chapter 6


Salam and Istisna’a

-            Introduction to Salam

-            Important characteristics of Salam contract

-            Risks and benefits of Salam contract

-            Parallel Salam

-            Introduction to Istisna’a

-            Difference between Istisna’a & Salam

-            Istisna’a as a Mode of Financing

Salam and Istisna’a both are future contracts, however, there is difference between both. In this week we will cover detailed theoretical information about both contracts.


(Case Study 1)

Chapter 7



-       Ijarah and its types

-       Basic Rules for Ijarah

-       Difference between Ijarah and Murabahah

-       Difference between Ijarah and Istisna’a

-       Benchmarking and Penalty related Issues

-       Termination of Ijarah Contract

-       Residual Value of Leased Asset

Ijarah is a Shari’ah compliant lease contract, we will discuss Ijarah and its types along with all related rules.


Chapter 8



-          Introduction to Mudarabah

-          Types of Mudarabah

-          Shari’ah conditions related to Mudarabah

-          Distribution of profit & loss

-          Termination of Mudarabah contract

-          Applications of Mudarabah

Mudarabah is widely used Shariah compliant contract in the global banking and financial industry. In this week we will discuss the Mudarabah contract and its types in detail.


(Assignment 2)

Chapter 9



-          Introduction to Musharakah

-          Types of Musharakah

-          Basic Rules of Musharakah

-          Termination of Musharakah

-          Difference between conventional financing and Musharakah

-          Difference between Musharakah and Mudarabah

-          Issues in Musharakah

-          Tenure of Musharkah

-          Application of Musharakah

-          Diminishing Musharakah on the basis of Shirkat ul Milk 


Musharakah is the second equity-based contract after Mudarabah. In this lecture we will focus on the concept of Musharaka, rules of Musharakah, and types of Musharakah contract. We will also discuss about diminishing Musharakah which is the most common type of partnership contract used by Islamic banks for home financing and car financing in Pakistan.


(Assignment 3)

Chapter 10



Risk and Risk Management in Islamic Banking

-          Understanding Key risks in Islamic banking

-         Management of Risk

Upon discussing all the activities of Islamic Banking on the assets and liabilities side, this topic will cover the key risks that banks face and how such risks are managed.


Suggested Readings

Final Exam

Kalkınma Amaçları
# Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları Öğretim Yöntemleri Ölçme Yöntemleri
1 To understand basic Banking functions Beyin Fırtınası, Ödev / Evde-Çöz Sınavlar,
2 To understand the difference between Islamic and Conventional banking based on Shariah Compliance, Governance, and Jurisprudential rules. Beyin Fırtınası, Problem Çözme, Ödev / Evde-Çöz Sınavlar,
3 To identify the main prohibitions in Islamic commercial transactions. Soru-Cevap, Problem Çözme, Ödev / Evde-Çöz Sınavlar,
4 To employ the right quantitative method to derive profits and for a given Islamic Banking product Problem Çözme, Ödev / Evde-Çöz Sınavlar,
5 To analyze different financial contracts and their application to real world problems. Problem Çözme, Ödev / Evde-Çöz Sınavlar, Yazılı Sınavlar (Kısa ve Uzun Yanıtlı),
Hafta Ders Konuları Ön Hazırlık
1 An overview of Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions
2 Understanding Bank’s activities from Balance Sheet
3 Understanding Islamic Banking
4 Sources of Shari’ah and its application in Islamic Banking
5 Shariah Governance Framework
6 Islamic Law of Contract
7 Murabahah
8 Salam and Istisna’a
9 Ijarah
10 Mudarabah
11 Musharakah
12 Risk and Risk Management in Islamic Banking
13 Risk and Risk Management in Islamic Banking
14 Risk and Risk Management in Islamic Banking
Ders Notu

Assessment Tasks Description

a)       Quizzes:

This course includes two quizzes, scheduled for the weeks specified in the course timetable. The quizzes will consist of multiple-choice and/or short-answer questions, designed to assess both your theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills.

b)      Assignment

There will be three assignments in this assessment tool.

-          All three assignments are designed to improve the quantitative skills of the students

-          Assignments must be submitted during the same week they are assigned.

c)         Case Studies

     There are two case studies that must be submitted by the students before the final exam. These case studies are designed to test the decision-making skills of the students. The first case study allows the students to find the best option for financing based on application of their quantitative skills. The second case study tests their analytical skills to suggest the best option for a microfinance institution. Specific guidelines regarding writing will be provided by the instructor before the task assignment.

d)   Final Exam 


The final exam will cover content from week 8-14. The exam will contain both multiple choice questions designed to assess the students’ theoretical and analytical skills.

Ders Kaynakları

Learning Resources



I- Recommended Textbook 

Syeda Fahmida Habib. Fundamentals of Islamic Finance and Banking. 2018th ed., Wiley, 2018.

II- Reference Books/Material

1.      Muhammad Imran. Islamic Finance 101: Learning Through Stories. 2021st ed., Liberty Publishing, 2021.

2.      Islamic Financial System: Principles and Operations, 2nd ed. 2016, ISRA (IFS), 2018.

Sıra Program Çıktıları Katkı Düzeyi
1 2 3 4 5
1 İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında güncel bilgileri içeren ders kitapları, makaleler ve araştırmalarla desteklenen ileri düzeyde kurumsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma. X
2 Konvansiyonel İktisat ve Finans disiplinlerine dair teorilere hâkim olup karşılaştırmalı analiz yapma. X
3 Ekonomik aktörlerin karşılaştıkları problemleri kritik ederek İslam İktisadı ve Finans temelinde çözümler üretebilme. X
4 Uygulamaya yönelik edindiği bilgileri iş hayatında kullanabilme. X
5 Alana dair öğrendikleri ile çalıştığı kuruma yeni bir vizyon sunarak verimli ve etkin stratejiler geliştirebilme. X
6 Ekonomik verileri toplama, düzenleme ve analiz etmede gereken istatistik ve ekonometrik yöntemleri bilme ve bilgisayar programlarını kullanabilme. X
7 Öğrenilen cebirsel ve istatistik yöntemleriyle kamu ve iş dünyasının karşılaştığı sorunları çözme yeteneğine sahip olma. X
8 İslam İktisat Teorisi, İslam İktisat Tarihi, İslam İktisat Düşüncesi, Muamelat Fıkhı, Katılım Bankacılığı, Katılım Sigortacılığı ve İslami Sermaye Piyasaları gibi İslam İktisadı ve Finansın seçmiş olduğu alt dallarında uzmanlaşma hedefine sahip olma. X
9 Gerek kamunun gerekse de özel kesimin gereksinim duyduğu yüksek becerili elemanlarda olması gereken yeterli düzeyde hukuk ve muhasebe bilgisine sahip olma. X
11 Yapacağı çalışmalarda toplumsal, bilimsel ve mesleki ahlâk kurallarının bilincinde olma. X
12 Yerel ve uluslararası platformlarda İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanına dair bilgi aktarımlarında bulunma. X
# Ders Öğrenme Çıktılarının Program Çıktılarına Katkısı PÇ 1 PÇ 2 PÇ 3 PÇ 4 PÇ 5 PÇ 6 PÇ 7 PÇ 8 PÇ 9 PÇ 11 PÇ 12
1 To understand basic Banking functions 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
2 To understand the difference between Islamic and Conventional banking based on Shariah Compliance, Governance, and Jurisprudential rules. 3 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
3 To identify the main prohibitions in Islamic commercial transactions. 1 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2
4 To employ the right quantitative method to derive profits and for a given Islamic Banking product 5 5 4 5 0 3 3 0 4 2 3
5 To analyze different financial contracts and their application to real world problems. 5 5 4 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 4
Değerlendirme Sistemi
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Katkı Oranı
1. Ödev 40
2. Ödev 40
1. Kısa Sınav 20
Toplam 100
1. Final 50
1. Yıl İçinin Başarıya 50
Toplam 100
AKTS - İş Yükü Etkinlik Sayı Süre (Saat) Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Ders Süresi (Sınav haftası dahildir: 16x toplam ders saati) 16 3 48
Sınıf Dışı Ders Çalışma Süresi(Ön çalışma, pekiştirme) 16 2 32
Ödev 4 10 40
Final 1 2 2
Toplam İş Yükü 122
Toplam İş Yükü / 25 (Saat) 4,88
dersAKTSKredisi 6