Ders Adı Kodu Yarıyıl T+U Saat Kredi AKTS
Lıvıng World Relıgıons DAO 403 7 4 + 0 4 4
Ön Koşul Dersleri


Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler


Dersin Dili Türkçe
Dersin Seviyesi Lisans
Dersin Türü Zorunlu
Dersin Koordinatörü Doç.Dr. MUHAMMED ALİ BAĞIR
Dersi Verenler
Dersin Yardımcıları


Dersin Kategorisi Alanına Uygun Öğretim
Dersin Amacı

To give sufficient acquaintance with religion, content of religion,living world religions, especially widely accepted religions; Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Dersin İçeriği

The emergence of the history of religions as a science fiction, the topics and methods it deals with. Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Shintoism, which are predominantly the religion of the majority of the world's population. To inform about the other living religions of the world, the African religions and the religions in Central Asia.

# Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları Öğretim Yöntemleri Ölçme Yöntemleri
1 Define the words that are used for different religions and their common meanings. Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
2 Describe approaches to the origin of religions Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
3 Identify the Works that are done in the ancient and modern times Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
4 Identify the nationals religions and their fundamental features, do compare between them Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
5 Recognize what is the Hinduism, its religion ve place in the modern world Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
6 Identify the other Indian religions (Jainism and Skhism), their emergence, their fundamental beliefs Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
7 Recognize the term of Semitic religion and Judaism as a Semitic religion, Describe the emergence of Judaism and its fundamental features Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework,
8 Analyse the transformation of Christianity from a Jewish sect to the World religion Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
9 Idendify the place of Christianity in the modern world Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
10 Analyse how Chritianity aresed in Jewish atmosphere and transformed into worldwide religion Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
11 Describe the changes of Christianity during long-time universalization process Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
12 Define basic principles of creed of Christianity and the disagreement of the schools, new trends of Christianity Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework, Performance Task,
13 State the place of Christianity in the modern world Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Oral Exam, Homework, Performance Task,
Hafta Ders Konuları Ön Hazırlık
1 The word "religion", its origin and definition; religions and their classification;History of religion, its characteristics and method; its relation between other sciences and its difference from them
2 Theories about the origin of religion and primitive tribe religions;National religions (Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism)
3 Theories about the origin of religion and primitive tribe religions;National religions (Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism)
4 National religions (Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism); Traditional Turkish Religion
5 Hinduism
6 Jainism, Skhism, Zorastrianism
7 Mandeans; General acquaintance with Buddhism;
8 General acquaintance with Buddhism; life of Buddha and history of Buddhism; As a religion Buddhisms principles of belief; its sacred books; its place in our modern world
9 Who is Jew; the statements that was used for Jews;History of Jews/Judaism; Jewish sect (ancient and modern); principles of belief; the conception of God
10 Worship in Judaism, pilgrimage and festivals of Jews,Other religions according to jews/judaism
11 Introduction to the Christianity (Christian word, as a founder person Jesus Christ); history of Christianity
12 Formation of Christian principles of belief and Councils; the conception of God; Understanding of Its Sacred books, revelation, angel and other world
13 Christian prayers and Sacraments, Non-Christians according to Christians
14 General evaluation
Ders Notu

Fuat Aydın, Dinler Tarihine Giriş.
Fuat Aydın, Hint Dinleri, AÖF. İlahiyat Önlisans Yaşayan Dünya Dinleri.
Fuat Aydın, Hıristiyanlık.
Fuat Aydın, Yahudilik, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul 2004.

Ders Kaynakları

[1] Joachim Wach, Dinler Tarihi, çev. Fuat Aydın, Ataç Yayınları, İstanbul.
[2] Eric Sharpe, Karşılaştırmlalı Din, Bir Tarih, SAÜ. Kültür Yayınları.
[3] Fuat Aydın, Hint Dini Düşüncesinde insanın özgürlük Arayışı, Ataç Yayınları, İstanbul 2006.
[4] Ali İhsan Yitik, Hint Kökenli Dinlerde Karma İnancının Tenasüh İnancıya ilişkisi, Ruh ve Madde Yayınları, İstanbul 1999.
[5] Abdurrahman Küçük, Sih Dini, AÜİFakültesi Dergisi,
[6] Şinası Gündüz (ed), Yaşayan Dünya Dinleri, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Ankara 2007.
[7]Ömer Hılmi Budda, dinler Tarihi, İstanbul 1937.
[8] Ali Erbaş, Hıristiyanlık, insan yayınları, İstanbul 2004.
[9]Baki Adam, Yahudi Kaynaklarına göre,Tevrat, Pınar Yayınları İstanbul.
[10]Şinasi Gündüz, Hıristiyanlık, İSAM Yayınları; İstanbul 2006.
[11] Mehmet Bayraktar, Bir Hıristiyan Dogması, Teslis, Ankara yayınları, Ankara 2008.
[12]Suat Yıldırım, Mevcut Kaynaklarına Göre Hırisityanlık, Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul 2005.

Sıra Program Çıktıları Katkı Düzeyi
1 2 3 4 5
1 Recognizes the informations related to religious and moral and uses these informations in Primary Education Religious and Ethics Education.
2 Defines, models and solves the problems of education in the field of Primary Education Religious and Ethics Education.
3 Solves and desings a proces according to a defined target in the field of Primary Education Religious and Ethics Education in educations field definition towards one aim one duration analysis and designing ability X
4 Data solutions and implements a special teaching methods in the field of Primary Education Religious and Ethics Education, wins the sociological and psychological perspecti and reviews of social events. X
5 Uses the necessary contemporary techniques and calculation tools for education practice.
6 Makes the teamwork in disciplinary and interdisciplinary in education practices.
7 Behaves independently, uses the initiative and creative exhibits behavior in education practices. X
8 Gains in life-long learning behavior. X
9 Gains in oral and written communication skills.
10 Gains understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
11 Identifies national and international contemporary issues and indicates sensitive behavior to these issues. X
12 Defines the subjects of quality and uses these subjects related to the field X
Değerlendirme Sistemi
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Katkı Oranı
1. Ara Sınav 40
1. Kısa Sınav 15
1. Ödev 20
1. Performans Görevi (Seminer) 10
2. Kısa Sınav 15
Toplam 100
1. Yıl İçinin Başarıya 50
1. Final 50
Toplam 100
AKTS - İş Yükü Etkinlik Sayı Süre (Saat) Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 4 64
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 3 48
Mid-terms 1 3 3
Quiz 2 3 6
Assignment 1 3 3
Performance Task (Seminar) 1 5 5
Final examination 1 5 5
Toplam İş Yükü 134
Toplam İş Yükü / 25 (Saat) 5,36
Dersin AKTS Kredisi 4