Ders Adı Kodu Yarıyıl T+U Saat Kredi AKTS
Spatıal Practıces I MIM 203 3 3 + 1 4 4
Ön Koşul Dersleri
Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler
Dersin Dili Türkçe
Dersin Seviyesi Lisans
Dersin Türü Zorunlu
Dersin Koordinatörü Dr.Öğr.Üyesi BEKİR HÜSEYİN TEKİN
Dersin Yardımcıları
Dersin Kategorisi Diğer
Dersin Amacı In this course it will be discussed that the relationship between the economy-politics of space and socio-spatial production processes through readings, discussions, papers and presentations
Dersin İçeriği Readings and discussions on critical spatial theories and the reading of a particular urban or architectural space based on these discussions.
# Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları Öğretim Yöntemleri Ölçme Yöntemleri
1 Ability to read, write, speak and listen effectively. Discussion, Drilland Practice, Self Study, Homework, Project / Design,
2 Ability to raise clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information, consider diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test alternative outcomes against relevant criteria and standards. Lecture, Discussion, Group Study, Project Based Learning, Homework, Project / Design,
3 Understanding of the diverse needs, values, behavioral norms, physical abilities, and social and spatial patterns that characterize different cultures and individuals and the implication of this diversity on the societal roles and responsibilities of arc Lecture, Discussion, Group Study, Project Based Learning, Homework, Project / Design,
4 Understanding of the relationship between human behavior, the natural environment and the design of the built environment. Lecture, Discussion, Group Study, Project Based Learning, Homework, Project / Design,
5 Reading of building environment in the context of socio-spatial relations network. Lecture, Discussion, Group Study, Project Based Learning, Homework, Project / Design,
Hafta Ders Konuları Ön Hazırlık
1 Introduction to the course
2 Spatial segregation issue presentation
3 Discussion on reading presentation
4 Discussion on reading presentation
5 Discussion on reading presentation
6 Discussion on reading presentation
7 Discussion on reading presentation
8 Discussion on reading presentation
9 Discussion on reading presentation
10 Class discussion
11 Student presentation presentation
12 Student presentation presentation
13 Student presentation presentation
14 Student presentation presentation
Ders Notu None
Ders Kaynakları Bauman, Z. (2003). Modernlik ve Müphemlik, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Beck, U. (1999). The Risk Society and Beyond: Critical Issues for Social Theory, Sage Publications, London. Bourdieu, P., (2006). Pratik Nedenler, Hil Yayınları, İstanbul. Castells, M. (2005). Enformasyon Çağı:Ekonomi,Toplum ve Kültür, Ağ Toplumunun Yükselişi, cilt 1, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul. De Certeau, M. (2009). Gündelik Hayatın Keşfi, Dost Kitapevi Yayınları, Ankara. Eraydın, A. (2006). Değişen Mekan, Dost Kitapevi Yayınları, Ankara. Fainstein, S., Campbell, S. (2002). Readings in Urban Theory, Blackwell Publishing, UK. Featherstone, M. (1996). Postmodernizm ve Tüketim Kültürü, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Foucault, M. (2007). İktidarın Gözü Seçme Yazılar 4, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul. Harvey, D. (1996). Postmodernliğin Durumu,Metis Yayınları, İstanbul. Kandiyoti, D.,Saktanber, A. (2005). Kültür Fragmanları Türkiye’de Gündelik Hayat, Metis Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Keyder, Ç. (2006). İstanbul Küresel ile Yerel Arasında, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul. Lefevbre, H. (2007). Modern Dünyada Gündelik Hayat, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul. Sassen, S. (2001). The Global City, Princeton University Press, US.
Değerlendirme Sistemi
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Katkı Oranı
1. Ara Sınav 30
1. Ödev 20
2. Ödev 20
3. Ödev 20
1. Performans Görevi (Atölye) 10
Toplam 100
1. Yıl İçinin Başarıya 60
1. Final 40
Toplam 100
AKTS - İş Yükü Etkinlik Sayı Süre (Saat) Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 4 64
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 1 16
Final examination 1 4 4
Mid-terms 2 1 2
Performance Task (Workshop) 4 1 4
Mid-terms 2 2 4
Performance Task (Workshop) 8 2 16
Mid-terms 2 2 4
Performance Task (Workshop) 8 3 24
Mid-terms 2 2 4
Performance Task (Workshop) 8 2 16
Mid-terms 2 2 4
Performance Task (Workshop) 8 2 16
Toplam İş Yükü 178
Toplam İş Yükü / 25 (Saat) 7,12
Dersin AKTS Kredisi 4