Ders Adı Kodu Yarıyıl T+U Saat Kredi AKTS
Health and Socıety SAY 421 7 2 + 0 2 5
Ön Koşul Dersleri
Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler
Dersin Dili Türkçe
Dersin Seviyesi Lisans
Dersin Türü Seçmeli
Dersin Koordinatörü Prof.Dr. MAHMUT AKBOLAT
Dersi Verenler
Dersin Yardımcıları

Res.Asst. Mustafa AMARAT

Dersin Kategorisi Diğer
Dersin Amacı

Establish to the relationship between health, disease, health services and health management and socio-cultural structure of society. Improving behavior in order to increase the efficiency of health services management.

Dersin İçeriği

Community; relationship between the social sciences and health science; classification and promotion of health in terms of social sciences; traces of the ancient Turkish beliefs in folk medicine in Turkey; health-related professional organizations in Turkey; status, role and social control mechanisms of social system; socialization and social institutions; health inequalities; demographic structure and health; community-based medical education and alternative medicine.

# Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları Öğretim Yöntemleri Ölçme Yöntemleri
1 Comprehend the relationships among society, health, illness and health management Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
2 Comprehend to social factors that influence in health, illness and health management Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
3 Establish to relationship between Health, illness and health administration and cultural values Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
4 Comprehend to reasons for the sociological behavior of the diseases. Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
5 Understanding to social causes of alternative medicine quest. Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
6 Contributing to the development of relations between health care providers and patients, health care providers and hospitals, health care providers and community in health management. Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
7 Improving to awareness in development of efficiency of health management. Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
8 Explain health and disease concepts, biological approach, social approach and WHO model. Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Testing, Homework,
Hafta Ders Konuları Ön Hazırlık
1 Basic concepts: Health, disease and illness behavior, classification and promotion of health in terms of social sciences Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
2 Health-related approaches Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
3 Historical development of health and disease Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
4 System of health and disease: Use and delivery of services. Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
5 Social factors that influence on health and disease phenomenon. Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
6 The relationship between socio-economic status and health-illness Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
7 Socialization, social institutions, family structure and health relationship in Turkey Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
8 Social change, social stratification. Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
9 Inequalities in health services: Concepts, causes, solutions policies Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
10 Demographic structure and health Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
11 Development of medicine Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
12 Development of Western medicine Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
13 Community-based medical education and alternative medicine Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
14 Society, culture and health relationship, traces of folk medicine in Turkey Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.
Ders Notu

Aggleton, P. (1990). Defining Health, Routledge, London.

Ders Kaynakları

George J. Armelagos_,1 and others,(2005) Evolutionary, historical and political economic perspectives on health and disease, Social Science and Medicine, 61, 755765.
Illich, I. (1975). Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health, Calder and Boyars, London.
LaLonde, M. (1974). A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians. A Working Document, Health and Welfare, Canada.
Seedhouse, D. (1986). Health. The Foundations for Achievement, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
Wilkinson, R. And Marmot, M. (2003). Social determinants of health: the solid facts. 2nd edition, Copenhagen, World Health Organization.

Sıra Program Çıktıları Katkı Düzeyi
1 2 3 4 5
1 To gain competencies specific to the field of health management X
2 Gaining innovation and entrepreneurship characteristics in the health sector X
3 To make effective, oral and written communication and professional presentations X
4 Gaining the ability to access / access up-to-date health management information and transfer it to teammates X
5 Analyzing organizational data X
6 Using leadership skills in solving current problems X
7 To have the awareness of responsibility required by the health ecosystem X
8 To behave legally and ethically in health service delivery X
9 Evaluating the global context affecting healthcare delivery X
10 To grasp / understand / interpret the development in global health services X
Değerlendirme Sistemi
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Katkı Oranı
1. Ara Sınav 50
1. Kısa Sınav 15
1. Ödev 20
2. Kısa Sınav 15
Toplam 100
1. Yıl İçinin Başarıya 50
1. Final 50
Toplam 100
AKTS - İş Yükü Etkinlik Sayı Süre (Saat) Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 3 48
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 3 48
Mid-terms 1 5 5
Quiz 1 5 5
Assignment 2 8 16
Final examination 1 5 5
Toplam İş Yükü 127
Toplam İş Yükü / 25 (Saat) 5,08
Dersin AKTS Kredisi 5